I’ve been coaching a number of different leaders in the last week and there is a recurring theme. I think this is going to really help you. I want you to imagine that today is your first day in the job. All of us are[...]
Burnout is for the Weak My tyres screeched as I pulled into the drive. As usual I was late. Hurriedly I made my way to my front door but was interrupted. My neighbour, Denis, asked “How do you keep going?”. It was a question he’d[...]
Leadership is always key. Bob ran a team within an insurance company. His results were average, and the level of engagement within the team was also average. Conversely, Sheila worked in the same company, yet levels of engagement and results were off the chart. What was[...]
A Bespoke Leadership Development Programme – 3 Questions To Ask Implementing a bespoke leadership development programme successfully takes skill. Getting it right means higher levels of engagement with ever improving results across your whole organisation. Get it wrong, and no matter how much money was[...]
The Biggest Mistake Managers Make What is it about the title ‘manager’ which brings out the worst in us? From being one of the team, we now feel responsible. With this greater responsibility comes a new approach. To achieve goals I must now tell others[...]
Leadership: Making difficult decisions Senior leaders of large organisations wrestle with making difficult decisions. In almost every case, the decision involves people. Real, living, breathing, emotional, caring, hard working people. Take current stringent government budget cuts. Council leaders need to decide how best to reduce[...]
Implementing effective change Implementing effective change is difficult. Just imagine any of the following three scenarios; i) As the boss you’ve decided that in order to save costs and promote growth you will close your current offices, move ten miles down the road to cheaper[...]
Margeret Thatcher’s Leadership Style As up to 2,000 of the world’s past and present movers and shakers attended Margaret Thatcher’s funeral – one question remained. How will Margaret Thatcher’s leadership style be remembered? It’s fair to say that opinion is as divided now as it was during[...]
Chris Huhne – he got it so wrong Chris Huhne, MP for Eastleigh, stated, nay categorically insisted that it was his wife, not himself, who had been driving his car at speed. As denials go, this was a strong one. To prove it he’d hired the man that[...]