I’ve been coaching a number of different leaders in the last week and there is a recurring theme. I think this is going to really help you. I want you to imagine that today is your first day in the job. All of us are[...]
Man crossing the Hunza River, Pakistan, Zerega (Flickr) Struggling? Trust the process. I was wrestling with an issue in my life. One that I felt I should have worked out months ago. My constant thinking was exhausting me. My anxiety was underpinned by a deeply uncomfortable feeling in[...]
Your inner voice: friend or foe? Our inner voice is more active than we may realise. How often do you feel hurt or rejected by words from friends or colleagues? How many times, even in a single day, do people say ‘things’ to you that[...]
Leadership Intuition – How To Develop It Leadership intuition is not a word often used. For many, our upbringing and professional work lives have resulted in only acting once we have “thought something through” and have “the full facts”. Yet research has shown that the[...]
Want Better Performance? Ask Better Questions To gain better performance we need to look at the genius that was Albert Einstein. He said if you keep doing the same thing, you’ll get the same results. Yet so often when we are stuck, we simply believe[...]
“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” Confucius When I started my first business my growth curve was like a vertical cliff. I would often[...]
Are you on a one way street to failure? To find out, see how many of your daily activities are driven by “shoulds”. Write them down. For example; I should be selling more, I should be managing better, I should be more visionary.. Shoulds are[...]
If you were guaranteed success, what would you do differently? A typical response is – ‘well I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing…’ The answer is important, as it immediately highlights an issue. Rather than focussing on those things which bring you success, you[...]